Latex 5 Cot Mattress

From $0

Safe, Cosy and Healthy

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A wonderful first bassinet or cot mattress.

It’s super cosy for baby. Organic latex is comfy, supportive and safe. Organic carded wool allows air to circulate and maintains an even temperature. The fine-knitted bamboo and cotton cover is soft and flexible.

There are no ‘hard bits’ or springs in this mattress – the support is a dense, springy, elastic foam of tiny latex bubbles – which means the mattress compresses with gently contouring support under baby’s weight and shape.

All the materials are natural. There is none of the off-gassing found in polyester foam, and latex foam is extremely durable.

The latex support is consistent across the whole mattress, and the surface is completely flat, meeting the NZ health guidelines. Please see ‘Specifications’ for more safety info.

We are happy to custom make the size to fit your baby’s crib, nest, bassinet, cot or pepi-pod.

Over the years and many baby mattresses this design is by far the most popular.