It may be stating the obvious, but we suggest you choose the kind of mattress that you are most comfortable sleeping on, unless a medical practitioner has given specific advice. A firm mattress is not always better for health or back pain. And a soft mattress is not always more comfortable throughout the night. Peoples’ mattress preferences often change over time.
Make sure you buy your mattress from a retailer that will let you take the bed home to try, and return it for a refund or exchange if it’s not suitable. Trying a bed for 10 minutes in a showroom is quite different from eight hours of sleep.
Futonz offers a 7 day trial on our entire standard range.
Chiropractors and orthopaedic surgeons regularly recommend either futons or latex mattresses (for different reasons) for muscle, joint or back pain. The most frequent cause of back pain seems to be caused by a bed that’s sagging in the middle, but if you have sleep discomfort we recommend asking a specialist what kind of mattress is most likely to help you before deciding on one.
If you buy from Futonz you will get:
- An amazingly comfortable bed!
- Best value for money (for the quality and amount of materials we use, and workmanship, we keep our prices the best in New Zealand)
- Top quality materials (Organic latex, Natural Cotton, NZ grown pine and macrocarpa timber)
- Peace of mind with a 5 year or 10 year guarantee